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The 7 Most Essential Full-stack Web Development Tools

The 7 Most Essential Full-stack Web Development Tools

Daisy Andrew671 16-Sep-2019

Web development

Web development covers all the necessary tasks that are performed during the creation of a web application. The coding part is mostly related to web development, in which the design elements of the user interface are created through code, the logical behavior of the application is also created through code. Logical implementation, designing of the web application and its delivery and deployment on a server, all of these tasks combine together to assist the web development process.

Web development can be broken down into three separate domains, Front end development, Back end development, and full-stack web development. Both front end and backed development cover a certain area of a web application, whereas full-stack development is the combination of both.

Front End web development

Most of the user interface and user experience elements of a web application are handled by the front end web development. Front end development covers all the visual areas that are seen on any web page along with the user’s interaction of it. For example, when a user visits a website, clicks a button and something happens. This all is handled by front end development. Any action that a user performs on a web application is determined and processed by the frontend. The front end provides a visual representation of data from the backend databases and allows us to fill forms or perform other actions within the web application and then send that data to the backend. Most of the logical implementation on the front end is handled by JavaScript these days.

Backend web Development

The backend web development is a bit different from the front end, as there is little to no consideration for the UI elements. The backend is mostly composed of a server on which the web application is served to the users and a database/databases which store the data. There are a lot of relations made inside the database, which links various chunks of user’s data together and upon request, the backend provides this data to the users.

Full stack web development

Full-stack web development is kind of a mixture of both backend and front end web development. A full-stack web developer has good command over both back end and front end technologies and can hence work as a singular resource for both the requirements. Companies these days are focusing on hiring more full-stack developers as one full stack developer can perform the duties of two separate developers. More than this, having full-stack developers reduces the communication gap between the front end and backend teams.

Many beginners are now focusing on becoming full-stack developers through online tutorials and courses such as full stack web developer Bootcamp online. These kind of courses are great for new developers as the focus on the even the minor details in depth.

Most essential Full-stack web development tools

Here are some of the most 7 Most Essential Full stack Web Development Tools that are being used by professional full stack developers throughout the world.

Text Editor (Sublime, Visual Studio Code, notePad ++, etc)

A good text editor is a basis on which a good developer rises. Visual studio code is currently most developer's favorite, as it has a large marketplace of extensions and snippets that can be added to your work environment. Having a great text editor, allows developers to set and execute many shorthand commands which increases productivity hugely.

Source control (Git)

Having version control in place is essential for developers in this day and age. Since many people are working remotely on the same project from different parts of the world. This adds to more versions of the same code being created, Having proper Git flow in place reduces the chance of code duplication or unexpected code deletion.

A package manager (NPM)

Package managers are a thing now. Since the past 3,4 years, countless packages have been released through package managers such as NPM (node package manager). These package managers provide you a concise package for your particular needs. Let’s say you want all the date formats there are in the world inside your application, then the simplest way to achieve this would be to add a date package that has most downloads rather than finding each date format individually online.

Deployment servers (Linux servers, GoDaddy, etc)

Servers are essential for the web applications to work, every single website that you can think of is deployed on some server. Although most large companies have their own servers in place, smaller companies and individuals buy virtual servers or hosting to host their web applications and data online. It is essential for full-stack developers to pick the right deployment server according to their project requirements.

Front end libraries and Frameworks (React, Angular)

On the front end to make the application more smooth and swift libraries of frameworks are used. The two most prominent ones are React and Angular as of now. Bu new libraries and frameworks keep introducing with time. It is crucial for a full stack developer to keep up with the most in-demand framework and library.

Backend frameworks (Laravel)

Just like front end frameworks, backend frameworks also exist such as Laravel. These frameworks help create dynamic API and endpoints very quickly, and also provide some key security functionalities that are the same across many web applications such as password encryption. Most of the security of a web application is dependent on the backend framework.

Testing libraries and frameworks (Selenium, Jest)

A full-stack developer also needs to be sure that his code has a minimum amount of bugs. For this, the developers implement a testing strategy that works hand in hand with continuous deployment. Meaning every time a new batch of code is deployed, some tests run to check basic functional integrity of the code. Functional testing and unit testing is carried out b such libraries/frameworks. Selenium is a great example of such a testing tool. Incase of javascript testing, Jest is the most famous and reputable testing tool/library.

Updated 16-Sep-2019
Daisy Andrew is a journalist, stylist, and blogger. She is an aesthetician by heart who often writes about Art, Fashion, decorating and DIY ideas. She loves sparking creativity and giving them ideas for their own spaces.

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